We Need Shapley Heath

The Only Way ISN"T Up!

t’s no secret that high rise buildings come with their risks, just a quick google will come up with a whole list of issues, problems and disasters that have come along with high rise flats.


‘Our overall findings from analysing dwellings fires between 2010/11 and 2019/20 suggest that there are increased fire risks to people in purpose-built blocks of flats compared to other dwellings. For example, while residents of dwellings in blocks of flats appear no more likely to die or be injured than for any other dwelling type once a fire breaks out, when fire incidents are normalised by the estimated populations living in each dwelling type, flat dwellers are exposed to a much greater probability of their building experiencing a fire than those living in other dwelling types and are more than twice as likely to die and just under twice as likely to be injured in a fire.’  https://www.safe-as-houses.org/post/new-research-on-fire-risks-to-high-rise-blocks-of-flats

This all brings me to the question, why would we want to encourage high rise developments within Hart. Surely if there was an option we could offer more affordable, first time homes to people, instead of just the opportunity to live in flat blocks, would we not be jumping at it?


By supporting the Shapley Heath development, we are supporting the increase of HOUSES and NOT high rise buildings. We are offering people safety, security and protection from their homes. We support the development to go along with the demand for affordable homes. We support the development to give first time buyers an opportunity to own their own HOUSE.


We support Shapley Heath.


Brownfield vs. Greenfield - the easy debate!

So what is Brownfield and Greenfield?

To sum it up, the term ‘Brownfield’ is used to describe the development of buildings on sites previously used for industrial purposes, whereas Greenfield development is building upon previously undeveloped land.


The Conservatives who want Brownfield sites are the ones who live in the areas on Greenfield where the developments are going – they are NIMBYS.

Greenfield development reduces the risk of overpopulation and overcrowding in current towns. Often, because Brownfield sites are old industrial properties the towns can’t cope with the rise of population that comes from tuning these sites into housing. The amenities in the towns often can’t cope with the rise of demand, schools, health services, and jobs, all compromised by a rise in demand due to increased population.  


The Shapley Heath development on Greenfield land in Hart will offer more benefits to our district than just housing. The development promises new schools, new health centres, new community buildings, and new employment land. All of these things cannot be offered with the idea of developing on Brownfield land within Hart. We need to expand to deal with the rise and demand.


Shapley Heath needs to happen for the good of our community. 

We support Shapley Heath.


Why Shapley Heath?


  • 1500 affordable homes

  • 500 first homes

  • 300 acres of public open space

  • A secondary school

  • 4 primary schools

  • Early learning provision

  • Sports pitches

  • 10 hectares of employment land 

  • Community buildings

  • Local centres

  • Health centre

  • Improved train station

  • Cycle network


All these things listed above are what the Shapley Heath development is offering to bring to our lovely district of Hart!  All of these things seem like positives don’t they? Yes? Exactly. Which brings us to the question… why are people so against the development?

The need for affordable housing is higher than ever and we believe that every effort made to support this should be positive and should be encouraged. This is why we at, We Really Heart Hart, SUPPORT the Shapley Heath development for Hart. 

There are people out there who are dead set against the development, and we are here to ask them WHY? We are here to challenge their arguments, question their ‘facts’, show them what Shapley Heath really is. We REALLY Heart Hart, do you?